Support Us

We would love you to join us

Become a Slow Circular Earth Supporter today

Donate to our organisation. Every little helps! – and is very gratefully received.

Check out the website for more ways to get involved and come together with practical climate action.

Would you love to develop your Eco Mindset?

We would love for you to join our community. For a minimum donation of £5 per month you can support Slow Circular Earth and help us to develop your Eco Mindset.

We work within the community developing practical climate action which supports health and wellbeing.

Do you want to do more?

We would love for you to join our community. For a minimum donation of £60 per year you can support Slow Circular Earth, and help us generate  practical community-led climate action.

Check out the website for more ways to get involved, and how we work to help tackle climate change.

Are you the next Climate Leader?

From as little as £25 per month, along with us you can develop yourself as a Climate Leader with our inspiring coaches and tutors. Join us for eco-consciousness growth and development to reach your potential and become the leader you yearn to be.

Sponsor Our Local Project Work

Support transformative projects like Community Pantries, Eco Gardens, Family Food Clubs, and more! With a minimum sponsorship of £175, you can be a corporate champion, making a real impact on sustainability and community well-being. Join us on this journey of positive change. 

All donations welcome...

If you don’t want to sign up to a monthly or annual support package.  You can donate any amount at any time to our organisation.  

Simply click on the Donate button below.  We thank you so much from the bottom of our heart.  We can make a difference together.